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Showing posts with label IMPORTANT FACTS. Show all posts

List of Monoclonal Antobodies

• Abciximab ReoPro 1994 chimeric inhibition of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Cardiovascular disease

• Infliximab Remicade 1998 chimeric I inhibition of TNF-a Inflammatory diseases Adalimumab Humira 2002 human inhibition of TNF-a signalling Inflammatory diseases

• Natalizumab Tysabri 2006 humanized T cell VLA4 receptor Inflammatory diseases . (esp autoimmune-related multiple sclerosis therapy)

• Omalizumab Xolair 2004 humanized Ig E Inflammatory diseases . (mainly allergy-related asthma therapy)

• Eculizumab Soliris 2007 humanized complement C5 Inflammatory diseases . (PNH)

• Efalizumab Raptiva 2002 humanized CD11a Inflammatory diseases . (psoriasis)

• Alemtuzumab Campath 2001 humanized CD52 CLL Gemtuzumab Mylotarg 2000 humanized CD33 AML . (with calicheamicin)

• Ri - tuximab Rituxan, Mabthera 1997 chimeric CD20 NHL Ibritumomab tiuxetan Zevalin 2002murine CD20 NHL (with yttrium-90 or indium-111) Tostumomab Bexxar 2003 murine CD20 NHL

• Daclizumab Zenapax 1997 humanized IL-2 receptor Transplant rejection Basiliximab Simulect 1998 chimeric IL-2 receptor Transplant rejection MuromonabOrthoclone OKT3 1986 murine CD3 Receptor Transplant rejection

• Bevaciz umab Avastin 2004 humanized vascular endothelial growth factor Colorectal cancer Panitumumab Vectibix 2006human epidermal growth factor receptor Colorectal cancer Cetuximab Erbitux 2004 chimeric epidermal growth factor receptor Colorectal cancer

• Ranibizumab Lucentis 2006 humanized vascular endothelial growth factor Macular degeneration

• Palivizumab Synagis 1998 humanized epitope of F protein of RSV Viral infection (espRSV)

• Trastuzumab Herceptin 1998 humanized ErbB2 Breast cancer
-mab suffix monoclonal antibody.

if immediately before mab----u--its humane derived
. ---mo--its murine
. ----i----its chimeric.

Types of Tongues in Various Medical Conditions








Named fevers in microbiology

Pontiac fever---Legionella pneumophila

Shanghai fever---Pseudomonas

Brazilian purpuric fever---Hemophilus aegyptius
(pink eye)

Havernhill fever---Streptobacillus monoliformis

Oroya fever---Bartonella bacilliformis
(Carrion's d/s)

Q fever---Coxiella burnetti

Colorado tick fever---Orbivirus

Trench fever---Rochalimaea quintana
(five day fever)

Incubation Periods For Diseases

DiseaseIncubation period
Influenza1 to 3 days
Anthrax1 to 3 days
Cholera1 to 5 days
Bacillary Dysentery1 to 7 days
Tularemia1 to 7 days
Diptheria2 to 5 days
Plague2 to 6 days
Typhoid5 days
Yellow fever3 to 10 days
Dengue3 to 15 days
Tetanus3 to 21 days
Measles10 days
Leptospirosis10 days
Malaria10 days above ( 14 to 15 Vivax 12 Falciparum)
Pertussis7 to 14 days
Polio7 to 14 days and above
Q.fever7 to 14 days and above
Typhus12- 14 days
Chickenpox2 to 3 weeks
Rubella2 to 3 weeks ( 18 days)
Mumps2 to 3 weeks ( 18 days)
Bartenellosis2 to 3 weeks
Brucellosis3 weeks
Amoebiasis3 to 4 weeks
Yaws3 to 4 weeks
Hepatitis-A15 to 50 days
Hepatitis- B50 to 160 days
TuberculosisWeeks to Months
Sleeping SicknessWeeks to Year
Kala-Azar1 to 3 Months ( 10 days to 1 year)
Filariasis5 to 8 months
LoaLoa1 year
Elephantiasis10 years

Antibodies and Immunoglobulins

All Antibodies are Immunoglobulins but All Immnuglobulins are not Antibodies.
Ig are glycoprotiens.

Source for preparation of Human Gamma GlobulinsPlacenta
Smallest IgIg G 
Largest IgIg M 
Heat Labile IgIg E 
Reagenic AntibodyIg E 
Earliest Antibody to be Synthesised Ig M 
Ig that crosses PlacentaIg G 
Ig with Minimum LifeIg E 
Ig that protects SurfacesIg A 
Mainly Intravascular IgIg M 
Warm AntibodiesIg G 
Cold AntbodiesIg M 
Ig Present in MilkIg G and Ig A 
Commonest Ig DeficiencyDeficiency of Ig A. 

Colony Appearance in Culture for Organisms


Colony Appearance in CultureOrganism
1. Draughtsman ( Concentric Rings)Pneumococci
2. (a) Medusa Head (b) Frosted Glass
(C) Inverted Fir Tree in Stab Culture
B. Anthracis
3. Swimming Growth ( Fishy or Seminal Smell)Proteus
4. Swarm of Gnats Or Fish in Stream, darting motility.V. Cholerae
5. Stalactite growth, safety pin appearanceYersinia Pestis
6. Thumb print appearance, Bisected pearls or mercury drops , Aluminium Paint appearanceB. Pertussis
7. Cigar bundle ( globi ) appearanceM.Leprae
8. Fried eggMycoplasma
9. Bread crumbActinomyces israelii
10. Oil PaintStaphylococci
11. School of Red fishH. ducreyi
12. Stately MotilityClostrida

*Daisy head colonies---------------------------------------- Corynbact gravis
*Frogs egg colonies----------------------------------------- Corynbact intermedius
*Poached egg colonies-------------------------------------- Corynbact mitis


Heat Stable and light sensitiveVitamin K and Riboflavine
Vitamin required for electron Transport (Coenz. Q)K1, B2
Dopa and Gaba : Metabolism depend onPyridoxine
For the Function of Co.APantothenate
Folic acid isPteroyl Glutamic acid
Folinic Acid isCitrovorum factor
Erythrocyte Maturation FactorB 12
Vitamins Stored in LiverA, D, K, B 12, Folate
Vitamin Stored in fatD
Richest Source of Vitamin ACodliver Oil
Vitamin EHalibut Liver oil
Prophylactic Dose of Vitamin A66,000 Micrograms
Main Source of Thiamine in Indian DietCereals
P.E. T and Achalasia are expected to be due to deficiency ofThiamine
Yellow Crystalline SubstanceRiboflavine
Red Crystalline SubstanceB 12
White Crystalline SubstanceAscorbic Acid
Vitamins Which are present in animal Foods onlyB12, D
Heat Labile VitaminsVitamin C and Folic acid
Vitamins That are synthesised in Gut (Flora)B2, B12 ( Not useful) and Vitamin K
In body (Skin)Vitamin D
F.I.G.L.U excretion is secreted in deficiency ofB 12
Methylmalonic acid Excretion is increased in deficiency ofB 12
Worm infestation causing B 12 deficiencyDiphyllobothrium Latum
Vitamin which is an antoxidantVitamin E
Vitamin useful in the treatment of methemoglobinemiaVitamin C ( Methylene Blue also useful)
Vitamins with which Hypervitaminosis occursA and D
Vitamin deficiency which leads to convulsionsPyridoxine
Vitamin useful in treatment of HomocystinuriaPyridoxine
Vitamin useful in treatment of AlcaptonuriaVitamin C
Vitamin that is used peripheral vascular diseaseVitamin E. ( For intermittent Claudication)
Vitamins that causes HemolysisVitamin K
Vitamin that causes Neonatal JaundiceVitamin K
Vitamin that causes sensory polyneuropathy in megavitamin dosesPyridoxine
Vitamin deficiency that causes pseudo paralysisVitamin C, Vitamin D
Vitamin for wound healingVitamin C
Magenta red tongue is due to deficiency ofRiboflavine
Raw beef tongue is due to deficiency ofNiacin
Cataract formation and Corneal vascularisation are due to deficiency ofRiboflavine
Vitamin that does not cross placentaVitamin D
Vitamin Destroyed by Ultra – Violet LightB 12
Folic acid deficiency may be caused by(A) Phenytoin(B) Primidone( C)Phenobarbitone(D) Aminopterin( E) Methotrexate( F) Pyrimethamine( G) CTM (H) Oral Contraceptives

Inborn Errors of Metabolism

(A) Carbohydrate Metabolism Glycogen Storage DisordersDeficiency
Type I- Von gierke’sG 6 Phosphate
Type II- Pompe’s Alpha glucosidase
Type III Cori or ForbesDebranching enzyme
Type IVBranching enzyme
Type V- Mcardle’sMuscle phosphorylase
Type VI -Her’sHepatic phosphorylase

(B) Lipid Metabolism DiseaseDeficiency
Fabry’sAlpha galactoside- A(Ceramide trihexoside accumulates)
Niemann- Pick’sSphingomyelinase (RBC appear as foam cells)
Tay- Sach’sHexosaminidase A
Sandhoff diseaseHexosaminidase A and B
Krabbe LeukodystrophyGalacto Cerebrosidase
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Arylsulfatase A
Gaucher diseaseGluco Cerebrosidase
Tangier DiseaseLipid Metabolism Disturbed (Low Alpha lipoprotein)

(C) Amino Acid Metabolism DiseaseDeficiency
PhenylketonuriaPhenylalanine Hydroxylase deficiency
AlkaptonuriaHomogentisic acid oxidase deficiency
Homo cystinuriaCystathion synthetase deficiency
Hartnup DiseaseDecreased trytophan Absorption increased excretion
Oasthouse diseaseMethionine malabsorption- fermented by intestinal bacteria and excreted. Oasthouse smell urine.

(D) Mucopolysaccharidoses DiseaseDeficiency
Hurler’s (I)Deficiency of Alpha iduronidase
Hunter’s (II)Deficiency of Iduronesulphate Sulphatase
Morquio’s (Type 4)N- Acetyl galactosamine Sulphate Sulphatase


(E) MiscellaneousDeficiency
GalactosemiaGalactose I Phopsphate uridyl transferase deficiency
AlbinismTyrosinase Deficiency
Lesch- Nyhan SyndromeHGPRT Deficiency ( Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase)
Rate limiting step of catecholamines productionTyrosine hydroxylase
Rate limiting step of cholesterol productionHMG CoA reductase
Refsum’s disease Phytanic acid malabsorption treatment- stop vegetable intake
Orotic aciduria Pyrimidine metabolism is disturbed
Gout Purine metabolism is disturbed

Milestones in Children

Social Smile2 months
Recognises mother and head control3 months
Holds object and takes it to mouth4 months
Sitting on slight support5 months
Enjoys mirror6 months
Sits alone momentarily6 months
Transfers object from head to hand6 months
Rolls Over7 months
Sits steadily7-8 months
Crawls in bed8 months
Monosyllabic words ( Mama , Dada)9 months
Creeps10 months
Cruises around furniture10 months
Builds a tower of 2 cubes and pincer grasp12 months
Can turn two or three pages of a book13 months
Walks alone13- 14 months
Walks Sideways and backwards15 months
Builds a tower of three cubes18 months
Feeds Self18 months
Can drop and draw a horizontal or vertical line2 Years
Can turn one page at a time2 Years
Able to wear socks or shoes2 Years
Can remove his pants2 ½ Years
Can draw a circle3 Years
Can dress or undress completely and buckle his shoes3 Years
Knows age and sex3 Years
Can copy and draw a cross ( Plus Sign)4 Years
Can draw a rectangle4 ½ Years
Can draw a tilted cross (Multiplication sign)5 Years
Can draw a triangle5 ½ Years
Bladder Control- Diurnal12- 16 months
Nocturnal2 ½ Years to 3 Years

Commonest Causes/Conditions


Commonest Congenital Malformation Without manifestationBicuspid aortic Valve
Commonest Congenital heart disease causing hyper tension in neonatesCoarctation of aorta
Commonest Cause of Cyanosis in new bornTransposition of Great Vessels
Commonest disease complicated by SBERheumatic Mitral Regurgitation
Congenital heart disease with rare SBEASD
Congenital heart disease with Common SBEVSD
Congenital heart disease with CHF in new bornHypoplastic left heart Syndrome (Mitral and aortic atresia)
Heart disease where CHF is rareFallot’s Tetrology
Differential Cyanosis1. PDA with reversal
2. Preductal Coarctation

(A) Commonest Causes
Haemoptysis in childPneumonia
Haematemesis in infancyAcute Duodenal ulcer (Stress Sepsis)
Bleeding per rectum 
  • Infants 
  • Children
  • fissure in ano 
  • polyp
Common Cause of constant crying in a babyHunger
Convulsions in new bornHypoglycemia 
Large intestinal obstruction in infancyHirschsprung’s Disease

(B) Commonest Conditions
Commonest Malignancy in ChildrenLeukamia
Commonest abdominal tumour in childrenNeuroblastoma
Commonest Bone tumour in ChildrenOsteogeneic sarcoma
Commonest brain tumour in children (Space occupying lesion)Tuberculoma

(C) Miscellaneous
Commonest paediatric ComplaintU.R.I
Fever in child Commonly due to U.R.I
Common cause of continuous dry coughEosinophilia
Pneumonia in child commonly due to Viral
Commonest site of intestinal atresiaileum, duodenum
Common complication of Ramstedt’s operationHypothermia

X Ray Appearances


Snowman appTAPVR ( Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return)
Cottage leaf appTAPVR
Figure of 8 appTAPVR
COEUR en Sabot(boot app)Tetrology of Fallot
Box shape appEbstein's anomaly
Jug handle appPrimary PAH
Egg on side appTGV (Transposition of Great Vessels)
Egg in cup appConstrictive Pericarditis
Calcification of cerebral cortex(Railroad Calcification)Sturge Weber Syndrome
Diffuse Nodular calcificationToxoplasmosis
Amorphous Supracelluler CalcificationCraniopharyngioma 
Basal ganglia calcificationHypoparathyroidism (Commonest)
Rice grain CalcificationCysticerosis
Periventricular CalcificationCMV Infection
Sunray Calfication with spicules of brainMeningioma
Bone thickening at site of brain tumourMeningioma
Punched out RareficationMultiple myeloma, sarcoidosis, Gout
Peppr pot or Salt and pepper appHyperparathyroidism
Beaten silver appRaised intracranial pressure
Post clenoid erosionRaised intracranial pressure
Candle grease dripping or trouser leg appearanceIntramedullary tumours in myelography
Extramedullary Tumours of spinal cord 
  • Meningioma 
  • Neurofibroma
wavy upper border
Crescentic border

Commonest Site of Lesions

ErysipelasFace and scrotum
CellulitisScrotum and scalp
Sebaceous cystScalp, Face, Scrotum
KeloidSternum, face and Neck
Lymphangioma and hemangiomaTongue, lip
CarbuncleBack, nape of neck and shoulders
Nodular LeprosyFace, arm
Implantation dermoidHand and finger
Dermoid cystExternal angle of eye
Subcutaneous lipomaShoulder, back and buttock
Perforating ulcerUnder the base of first metatarsal
Lupus vulgarisFace and arm
Instrumental perforation of oesophagusCricopharyngeal area
Dercum’s diseaseTrunk
Soft fibromaFace
Gangrene by ergot Fingers. Nose and ear
PhlebolithPelvic veins
Molluscum FibrosumNeck, trunk and Face
Sclerosing angioma (Dermatofibroma or Sub Epidermal nodular fibrosis)Limbs
Kaposi’s SarcomaLimbs
Granuloma PyogenicumFace, fingers, toes
CornToes, feet
CallocityHand (Gardener’s Hand)
Malignant MelanomaMales – trunk
Females- leg
Hutchinson’s Melanotic freckleSun exposed areas
Sub–ungual exostosisGreat toe
Hyperpigmentation in Addison’s diseaseExposed areas and creases of palms
Pregnancy tumourGums and tongue
Pseudo tumour in hyperparathyroidismJaws
Erythema MultiformeExtensor surfaces
PsoriasisKnee, elbow, scalp
Inverse psoriasisBody folds (severe itching present)
MiliariaCovered areas
Chronic discoid lupusFace (Tacklike scales)
Tinea versicolorTrunk
Keratoderma blenorrhagicumSole of the foot 

Drugs of Choice or Drugs Used in Treatment.

Note: Please refer your textbooks for the latest drugs that are now quoted by some textbooks as Drugs of choice for some of these conditions.

H. Influenza MeningitisChloramphenicol + Ampicillin
H. Influenza PneumoniaAmpicillin
TyphoidCeftriaxone/ Chloramphenicol
Klebsiella PneumoniaChloramphenicol, Mezlocillin, Cefotaxime
ChancroidTetracyclines or Streptomycin
Granuloma InguinaleStreptomycin
LGV Tetracyclines
LeptospirosisBenzyl Pencillin
CryptococcusFluocytosine and Amphotericin- B
SporotrichosisPotassium Iodide
CoccidioidomycosisAmphotericin B
ToxoplasmosisPyrimethamine ( a teratogen) 
In Pregnancy- Sulphadiazine
Pnemocystisis cariniiCotrimoxazole
Chagas’ diseaseNifurtimox
Taenia saginataPraziquantel
Taenia soliumNiclosamide
Enterobius Mebendazole
Larva migransThiabendazole
Trichinella spiralisThiabendazole
AnginaGliceryl Trinitrate (Nitroglycerine)
Supra Ventricular TachycardiaVerapamil
Ventricular TachycardiaLignocaine
Ventricular FibrillationD.C.Shock
Complete Heart blockIsoprenaline
Whipple’s diseaseTetracycline
Tropical sprueTetracycline
Hypercalcemia due to hypervitaminosis DSteroids
Inappropriate secretion of ADHDemethyl chlor tetracycline
Waldenstorm’s macroglobulinaemia Chlorambucil
Multiple MyelomaMelphalan
Burkits lymphomaSurgery plus Cyclophosphamide
Eaton – Lambert syndromeGuanidine
Myotonic dystrophyPhenytoin
Motion sickness ( of Short Duration)Scopolamine ( Hyoscine)
CataplexyTricyclic antidepressants
Nocturnal eneuresisImipramine
Gilles De La Tourette syndrome ( multiple tics)Haloperidol
Acute intermittent PorphyriaI.V. Hemin
Paget’s diseaseCalcitonin, Mithramycin, Etidronate disodium 
Gout Acute AttackColchicin
Gout prophylaxis and chronic casesAllopurinol
Kawasaki diseaseHigh Doses of Aspirin
Dermatitis herpetiformisDapsone/ Sulfapyridine 
Urinary analgesicPhenazopyridine
Malignant hyperthermiaDantrolene Sodium (induced by Halothane and Succinyl choline)
Carcinoid syndrome with secondaries in liver5 Fluouracil into the hepatic artery
Carcinoid syndrome with repeated flushesPredinsolone
Carcinoid lungDoxorubicin
Strawberry lesion of RectosigmoidAcetarsol Suppositary plus VitaminC
Perianal AbscessPenicillin
Sarcoma vaginaRadiotherapy
Meningococcal carrier state and prophylaxisRifampicin
Typhoid carrier stateCTM
Diptheria carriersErytromycin
Dequervains thyroiditisAspirin
BotulismGuanidine HCL
Anribiotics for which resistant
  1. Organisms develop less often1. Chloramphenicol 
  2. Cloxacillin and Oxacillins 
  3. Rifampicin 
  4. Erythromycin 
Antibiotics safe in renal failure with modified
  1. Dosage 1. Penicillin 
  2. Vancomycin 
  3. Cephalosporins 
Physiological Antagonist to HistamineAdrenaline
Septicaemia from PyelonephritisGentamycin
Medium and Shortacting barbiturates intoxicationHaemoperfusion with ion exchange resins
Phenobarbitone and Barbitone ( Long Acting) poisoning Haemodialysis
Drug which may cause and is used in the treatment of Pseudo membraneous enterocolitisMetronidazole
Phenothiazine PoisoningPromethazine
Promethazine poisoningDiphenhydramine


FeverCausative Organism
Sandfly feverArbovirus
Rift valley feverA virus infecting Sheep
Lassa feverArena Virus
Glandular feverEbstein Barr Virus
Bartonneuse fever Rickettsiae Conori
Oroya feverBartonella
Pretibial feverLeptospirosis
Canicola feverLeptospirosis
Swamp feverLeptospirosis
Seven day feverLeptospirosis
Haverhill feverStreptobacillus Moniliformis
Scarlet feverStreptococci
Pontiac feverLegionella
FeverAlternate Name
Undulant feverMalta fever, Brucellosis
Oroya fever Verruga Peruana
Carrions Disease
Saddle back feverBreakbone fever
Gaol feverEpidemic typhus 
Classical typhus
5 day feverTrench fever
3 day feverSandfly fever
Glandular feverInfectious mononucleosis
Pretibial feverFort Bragg fever
Haverhill feverRatbite fever

Common Complications

Mumps – Children Adolescents Meningoencephalitis Orchitis
MeaslesOtitis Media
Meningococcal MeningitisArthritis
Haemophillus Influenza MeningitisSubdural effusion
TyphoidParalytic Ileus
TetanusAirway obstruction and Anoxia
Whooping coughPneumonia
LeprosyIntercurrent P.T. Amyloidosis
DiptheriaMyocarditis, Toxic Neuritis
PsittacosisMyocarditis, Secondary Pneumonia
BartonellosisSecondary infection with Salmonella
HypothyroidismHypothermia, cardiac complications
Chronic GlomerulonephritisMyocardial infarction, Infection
Infection in Myeloma Respiratory – Pneumonia
Commonest drug induced cutaneous lesionToxic erythema
Atopic DermatitisKaposis Vericelliform eruption
Lichen PlanusNeoplastic degeneration

Commonest Site Of Intestinal Lesions

Lymphoma( Non hodgkins)Stomach (Least : Rectum)
Adenomatous polypiSigmoid, rectum
Polypi in Puetzjeghers syndromeAlways Jejunum is involved
Familial Polyposis and Gardener’s syndromeColon
ZES gastrinomaPancreas
Carcinoma small intestineJejunum
Carcinoma Colon Rectum > Sigmoid colon
Tuberculosis UlcerSmall Intestine( transverse)
Typhoid UlcerSmall Intestine ( Longitudinal)
Crohn’s diseaseStarts at or near Ileocaecal Valve
Ulcerative ColitisStarts at rectum
Hirshprung’s Diseaseupper limit is Rectosigmoid junction
Diverticulosis90% in sigmoid ( Rectum is never involved)
Perforation in TyphoidSmall intestine near Ileocaecal Junction
Pneumatosis CystoidesSmall Intestine
Immobile part of ColonLast 7.5 cms of Pelvic Colon
Loop ColostomyTransverse Section
Commonest Type of IntussesceptionIleocaecal
Intussesception with gangreneIleocaecal
Intussesception in infantLast 50 cms of ileum
Intussesception in old peopleColocolic By Pappilary Carcinoma
Intussesception in adoloscentInverted Meckel’s Diverticulum
Volvulus Neonatorum Midgut( Whole small intestine and Caecum)
Volvulus Small intestineTower ileum
Ischemic ColitisSplenic flexure
Dilatation of Gut in Chaga’s diseaseOesophagus and Colon
in Blast Injury Pelvic Colon 


  1. Isotopes: Elements with same Atomic number (Number of protons same, Number of Neutrons Vary) 
  2. Most used materials for external irradiation- Cobalt 60 , Cesium 131 ( Gamma rays) 
  3. Machine used for electron therapy- Betatron , Material used is Tungsten 
  4. Substances used as permanent implant for radiation- 
    • Gold Grains 
    • Radon Seeds 
  5. For permanent insertion into cavities 
    • Colloidal Gold 
    • Vitrium 
    • Phosphorus 52
  6. Radio active phosphorus is useful in
Diagnosis of
  • Eye Cancers 
  • Oesophageal Cancer
Treatment of – 
  • Polycythemia Vera 
  • Multiple Myeloma 
  • Secondaries in Bone 
  • Ca Prostate after priming with androgen. 
  • Malignant ascites 
Effect of Radiation on Tissues
Most Commonly affectedSkin
Most Senstive MucosaIntestinal Mucosa
Most Sensitive CNS partMid Brain, Medulla, Spinal Cord
Most sensitive cell in CNSNeurone
Most Sensitive blood cellsLymphocytes
Most resistant Blood cellsPlatelets
Most sensitive organ in abdomenKidney


Radio Isotope Scans

Scan Isotope Used
Liver and Biliary functionTc99, Tc glycoheptonate
Spleen, MarrowTc 99
LungTc 99 macroaggregates
Lung ventilationXenon gas
KidneyTc 99, Tc Labelled derivatives
Brain, boneTc pertechnetate
Myocardial functionTc albumin
Myocardial infarctionTc pyrophosphate
Myocardial perfusionThalluim Chloride
Tumor or abscessGallium citrate
Pancreas scanSelenomethiomine, Se 75
Thyroid malignancySelenium
Thyroid functionIodine 131

Radiation Emitted
Gamma raysCobalt, Caesium, Technetium.
Beta raysStrontium, Gold, phosphorus
Dye used
Sialography Neohydriol
UrethrographyUmbradil Viscous V
I.V.PSodium diatrizoate
Intestinal obstructionGastrograffin
Ventriculography Metrizamide and
And Myelography Iopendylate (Myodil)
CholecsystographyIdopamide, Meglumine Ioglyconate
Sodium MetrizoateSplenoportography
Hysterosalpingography50% Diodone with 6 % polyvinyl alcohol in water 

Half Life
Iodine 1322 to 3 hours
Technitium6 hours
Iodine 12313 hours
Gold2.7 days
Thallium chloride3.1 days
Gallium3.2 days
Radon3.8 days
Xenon gas5.2 days
Iodine 1318 days
Phosporous 3214.3 days
Iridium74.5 days
Tantalum115 days
Cobalt 695 years
Strontium28 years
Caesium30 years
Ra1622 years
Ultra Sonography
M- ModeFor moving parts eg, valves of heart etc.
A ScopeFor cerebral lesions. Shift of mid- line structures
B ScopeFor 2 dimensional view eg. Obstetrics and abdominal masses
Grey scales Foe Contrast studies


Life Span
Neutrophils2-4 days
Lymphocytes2-3 days
Eosinophils8-12 days
Platelets9-11 days
Basophils12-15 days

Half Life
Heparin60- 90 minutes
Factor VIII8 hours
Fibrinogen100 hours
Albumin20- 26 days

Hb AAlpha 2, Beta 2
Hb FAlpha 2, Gamma 2
Hb A 2Alpha 2, Delta 2
Hb HBeta 4
Hb SBeta 6 val- glu
Hb BartsGamma 4

  Blood Coagulation factors
1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10Produced in liver
2, 7, 8, 9, 10Levels increased with oral contraceptives
2, 7, 9, 10Vitamin K required
2, 7, 10Prothrombin time helps to know the deficiency state
1. 2. 10Both PTT and PT increased in deficiency
5, 8unstable in stored blood
5, 10good for growth of hemophilus organisms

Thrombin time is used to monitor heparin activity

UraemiaBurr cells are seen
CirrhosisSpur cells are seen
Iron depletionSeen in Iron deficiency anaemia, polycythemia vera
Thalassemia minor Decreased osmolysis, microcytic hypochromic anaemia, increased HbA2.
Sickle cell anaemiaTactoids and sickling seen.
Acquired spherocytosisSchistocytes present, Coombs positive
Hereditary spherocytosis Coombs negative
Aplastic anaemiaPlatelets maximum affected and last to recover, Pancytopenia present
Pernicious anaemia and Folate deficiency anaemiaAnisocytosis, poikilocytosis, fragmented RBC , neutrophil lobes increased, platelets normal. Absolute reticulocyte count low. 
Sideroblastic Anaemia 
  1. Hereditary 
  2. Acquired
Ring Sideroblasts present (These are Iron granules in mitochondria around the nucleus)
Microcytic, hypochromis RBC
Macrocytic hypo or normochromic RBC
Polycythemia veraIncreased RBCs, platelets and Leukocytes Splenomegaly esent 
Myeloid metaplastia and MyelofibrosisGiant Platelets 
Macrocytic Anaemia
‘Tear Drop’ poikilocytes
Leukoerythroblastic picture 
Warm antibody autoimmune haemolytic anaemiaPolychromasia and Spherocytosis present 
Megakaryocytosis marrow seen inIdiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura
Myeloid Metaplasia
Polycythemia vera
Subleukaemic LeukaemiaAbnormal cells present White cell count normal or decreased
Aleukaemic leukaemiaNo abnormal cells
WBC Count usually decreased below normal
Diagnosis from marrow aspiration 
Hairy cell leukaemiaNeutropenia, Splenomegaly, hair cells seen. 
Acute non- lymphocytic Leukaemia
Total count usually more than 1, 00, 000
Macrocytic Normochromic Anaemia
Severe Thrombocytopenia
PAS Positive, Sudan black positive, 
stains with Romanowski stain
CML All series of cells seen Myeloblasts greater than 10, Increased Basophils, eosonophils, thrombocytes
C.L.L( B Cell disease)Small lymphocytes increased.
Blasts are rare.
Auto immune hemolytic anaemia present.
Pro- lymphocytic LeukaemiaLarge lymphocytes with prominent nucleolus 
Eosinophillic Leukaemia Eosnophils increased 
Burkit’s lymphoma "Starry sky" appearance in Lymphnode biopsy 

HemophiliasDeficient Factor

Hemophilia AFactor VIII Deficiency
Hemophilia BFactor IX Deficiency
Hemophilia C Factor XI Deficiency
Para hemophiliaFactor V Deficiency
Pseudohemophilia(Vascular Hemophilia)Von Willebrand’s disease
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